To make a warranty claim:

For the quickest service, please complete the form below.
Please contact our customer service team on 0508 367 366  before removing the product or undertaking any repair or warranty work.

If your product is deemed to be faulty out of the box and has not been installed, it can be returned to the place of purchase with original proof of purchase, for an exchange.

Purchaser details

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 4 files.
Please upload a photo showing the product insitu, and photos and/or video showing the product fault.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
To verify your purchase, please upload a copy of your receipt showing purchase date, product details and merchant details*

Merchant details

Where did you purchase your FORENO. product?

Installer details

Who installed the tapware for you?

Note: After submitting, you will be sent a confirmation of your request to your nominated email.

Having trouble with this form? Call our Customer Service team on 0508 FORENO for assistance.